Video Game Cocktail - Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

It's Saturday night! What's better than having a cool drink on a Saturday to unwind from a long week? For all of you kicking back tonight and enjoying a little Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, take a moment to concoct this delicious cocktail before you go hunt down some dragons.

Elderflower Scrolls: Skyyrum

Skyy vanilla vodka
Sparkling elderflower presse
Spiced rum (Sailor Jerry)
Orange peel

We've based this whole drink entirely around a series of highly amusing Skyrim puns – but luckily, it's also delicious. First, create a sugared rim by dipping your high ball glass into the vanilla vodka, and then into a plate of sugar. Now put ice into the glass and pour in 175ml of the presse down the side (the inside, of course). Add a measure of spiced rum on top of that, and garnish with an orange peel dragon's tongue.

Source: TheGuardian
