Look out, NYC! Doctor Who episode 5 filming has begun!

The cast and crew of Doctor Who has started to film the fifth episode of Series 7 and this will be the episode that everyone is waiting for. Not only will this episode see the return of the Weeping Angels (a fan favorite enemy) but it will be the farewell episode for companions Amy and Rory. Shooting for the episode has started in Cardiff at the Cardiff School of Physics and Astronomy building. The episode is to be set in New York City but the year in which this adventure takes place is still unknown. To get a more authentic feel the cast and crew will be packing their bags and heading to New York City later this month and will be filming on location.

Here is a short video taken on the set of the episode.

Below you can check out a photo slide show from the set of the episode that shows us the menacing Weeping Angels via alun.vega's flickr set!

Source: Doctor Who TV


  1. Chris, I am bouncing around on the couch like an idiot. I am super excited and we better all go. Or some of us. But definitely me.

    1. If I can find out before hand, I will definitely be there! It will be such a fun day!!


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