Nintendo Direct video promotes upcoming 3DS titles! [video]

Nintendo held another Nintendo Direct video feed earlier this morning in which President and COO of Nintendo of America, Reggie Fils-Aime, spoke all about the upcoming titles for the Nintendo 3DS and the downloadable content (DLC) that certain games will have. In case you missed it this morning you can check out the whole feed here (30 minutes 28 seconds). If you are interested in watching the segment or trailer for a specific 3DS game you can check under the video and I have put the time stamps for the featured games. There are some great segments in this video! Enjoy!

Paper Mario: Sticker Star
1:03 – 6:32
Looks to be a lot of fun and very funny! (The Goat attack sticker is hilarious.)

Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
6:40 – 8:15
Perfect for first time Professor Layton players due to Layton's high school backstory.

Cross Words Plus
9:00 – 9:20
More than 1,000 puzzles with more coming for free!

Art Academy: Lessons For Everyone
9:23 – 10:25
Great for artists and those wanting to learn to draw.

Style Savvy: Trend Setters
11:10 – 12:10
Create new styles and trends to satisfy your digital clients. (Not my game.)

New Super Mario Bros. 2
12:15 – 14:07

15:00 – 16:15
Sequel to Pushmo. Looks fun and the 3D looks like it’ll really shine.

Fluiduty: Spin Cycle
16:16 – 17:36

Nintendo eShop sizzle reel
19: 07 – 20:35

Fire Emblem: Awakening
20:40 – 24:25
You can create a personal customizable avatar that will join main character in the game which is really cool! The animation looks very smooth and clean. Looks fun and I cannot wait!

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
24:36 – 27: 54
You are now the Mayor of your town, not just a resident which adds a whole new aspect to the game. It is clear that customization is now key for this title.

3DS sizzle reel
28:41- 30:27

Source: Youtube - Nintendo
