Fans will experience Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary in 3D!

The BBC has officially announced to the fans of Doctor Who that for the 50th Anniversary later this year that they will be able to enjoy the episode in 3D!

Though the details of how this will be presented in 3D is not yet known, there are a lot of fans out there that will be excited about this news. The first obvious option is for viewers to watch the show on the new 3D television sets but this may cut out a large portion of the fandom as not many people have these televisions. So how do you think the BBC will air this episode in 3D?
"Stevan Moffat, the show's lead writer and producer said the latest 3D escapade would bring a "whole new dimension of adventure for the Doctor to explore"."
Personally, I am not that crazy about the whole 3D fad. But how about you? Are you excited to watch Doctor Who in 3D?

Source: BBC
