First set photos of Smith and Tennant together from Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary filming!

Photos from todays filming in Cardiff, Wales of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary have started popping up on the internet and fans have let out a cry of joy. Today's photos are the first to feature both David Tennant (10th Doctor) and Matt Smith (11th and current Doctor) in costume together from the set.

The first photo features both Tennant and Smith in costume standing in front of the TARDIS and if you look in the background you can see a Zygon walking away. Cool! The second photo is of David Tennant between takes and the third photo is of actress Joanna Page dressed in her outfit for Queen Elizabeth the 1st. (Could we possibly be seeing how the Tenth Doctor married "Good Queen Bess" (also known as the "Virgin Queen") and why her nickname is "no longer"? Watch this video from The End of Time Part 1 to see the Tenth Doctor refer to Good Queen Bess.)

What do you think of these photos from the set? Are you excited to see Tennant and Smith together? Excited to see the Zygon? How about possibly learning how the Doctor married the Queen? Let me know in the comments!

Source: Doctor Who TV
