The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot! The classic Doctors from Doctor Who are back for the 50th Anniversary! [video]

A new and hilarious Doctor Who special has been released for the 50th Anniversary and it was written and directed by the Fifth Doctor himself, Peter Davison. The special is 32 minutes long and stars Fifth Doctor Peter Davison, Sixth Doctor Colin Baker, Seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy and Eighth Doctor Paul McGann and is titled "The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot".

The video follows  the classic Doctors as they try to get a part in the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special and is full of fantastic references and laughs. Another great thing is the sheer amount of cameos in the video. There are a lot of Doctor Who actor/actress cameos but even some from The Hobbit! Watch closely to see if you can spot them all! I don't want to ruin any of the laughs so I'll let you discover them as you watch.

Well done, Doctors! This video is so great that it just may steal some of the attention from the actual Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special. Be sure to watch until the very end as the laughs continue to the last second!

Source: BBC
