Marvel Knights Animation bring you the trailer for Wolverine vs Sabretooth! [video]

"It's claw versus claw as Logan faces his age-old foe in the latest Marvel Knights Animation, Wolverine Vs. Sabretooth."

Marvel Knights Animation, along with Shout Factory, has released a trailer for their upcoming Marvel Knights Animation adaptation of Jeph Loeb and Simone Bianchi's Wolverine Vs. Sabretooth.

As exciting as it is seeing Wolverine and Sabretooth duke it out on screen, this may not be a great showing for Marvel. From this trailer we can see that the film looks like it is a motion comic and maybe not even a well made motion comic. I'm sure it will still be fun to watch for anyone who loves these characters but its a shame that Marvel couldn't have done a better job at animating this film. But that is just my own humble opinion. Check out the trailer below and be your own judge and let me know what you think. 

Source: IGN
