Robin is returning to the Batman comics and his identity has been revealed!

There has been an ongoing story arc in the Batman comics titled "Robin Rises" that has Batman trying to resurrect his dead son, Damian Wayne, after he was killed in Batman Incorporated #8. Damian was the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul (Ra's al Ghul's daughter) and was killed by an artificially aged clone of Damian named Heretic. Since then, Damian's body was taken to Apokolips by Ra's al Ghul and Glorious Godfrey.

Batman and Robin writer Peter Tomasi posted a photo on Twitter of Patrick Gleason's cover art for the return issue revealing who will be taking up the mantle of Robin.

Find out who the new Robin is going to be inside the full article! (*Spoilers inside.)



You can see from the tweet below that it appears as though Damian Wayne is back!! (Come on, he died in a comic. Does that ever stay permanent for a superhero?) The revealed cover art also shows us some very interesting things about Damian. Will Damian be returning with a new set of abilities? Is he now bulletproof? We'll have to wait and see how exactly he returns and if this cover is leading our thoughts in the right direction about what Damian may be capable of.

Are you happy to see Damian return as Robin? Do you think he'll be returning with powers of some sort?

Source: Twitter - Peter J. Tomasi
