Fox looking to make a new League of Extraordinary Gentlemen film!

Fox is returning to Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill’s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen! Fans may remember Fox's 2003 film that had very mixed reviews and the failed attempt at a TV show a few years later. Now, Fox is returning to the franchise to try again!

It is being reported that John Davies (The Blacklist) will be producing the film which is centered around a team of Victorian fictional characters including Wilhelmina Murray, Captain Nemo, Hawley Griffin (the Invisible Man), Allan Quatermain, and Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde that save the world from evil and war. The comics has some amazing stories so if done properly this film has great potential. Could this new try step out of the ugly shadow of the first film? Would you be interested to see a new League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?

Source: Twitter - io9
Source: io9
